
Alcohol also causes Infertility

Alcohol also causes Infertility Brought to U....     and My memories Alcohol also causes Infertility Posted in 2015 Alcohol also causes Infertility There's no evidence that a few drinks a week will affect your fertility, but doctors do caution against heavy drinking—more than one drink a day for women—which has been linked to an increased risk for ovulation disorders. Plus, a 2004 Swedish study that tracked more than 7,000 women for 18 years found that the heaviest drinkers were more likely to have sought out fertility   treatment.   You probably already know you should stop drinking if you think you could be pregnant. Drinking during the early stages of pregnancy (and possibly even before conception) has been linked to premature births. As for whether it's safe to drink later in pregnancy, the jury's still out. Many doctors say a small amount of alcohol is OK, but the CDC and ...

Infertility is the Major Problem world wide

Infertility is the Major Problem world wide Brought to U....     and My memories Infertility is the Major Problem world wide Posted in 2014 Infertility is the major problem world wide When we compared birth rate in 1950 is 118 per thousand woman and 2013 is 62.5 per thousand woman...I researched on it considering age, profession, life style, food habits etc..I found 1. The children below 18 years are Infertile due Unhealthy life style, tensions on the Education, if they are poor tensions due to financial problems etc.. 2. The age of c hildren between 18 to 25 years due to how to settle in profession, unhealthy food, unhealthy life style etc.. 3. The age of children between 25 to 30 years due to over thinking about their would life partner, neglecting their food and their life style etcc.. 4. The age between 30 to 35 years due to professional, family and other tensions 5. The age beyond 35 years...

Your Healthy food will cure your Health/Infertility problems

Your Healthy food will cure your Health/Infertility problems Brought to U....     and My memories Your Healthy food will cure your Health/Infertility problems Posted in 2014 Know the contents of your food which will protect your body Most of us neglect our food and depend on various Medicines or Hospitals or other...Every Infertility or Health problem arises due to deficiency various minerals or vitamins or other. Every Medical Specialist whether Ayurveda or Homeo or Allopathy or other will find out cause of their Infertility or Health problem through various tests ex...Blood Test, Urine test know which mineral or vitamin or other is Lac king and prescribe the medicines as per their knowledge. As per my research whatever your body needs are available in your FOOD which will cure. You can eat as much as you want without any side effects or Reaction. Here I am giving U details of...

Tips for Normal Delivery

Tips for Normal Delivery Brought to U....     and My memories Tips for Normal Delivery Posted in 2015 Many couples around the Globe asked How to give birth to a child with Normal Delivery? I told U many times that our body is natural and its functions also natural provided you follow Healthy habits.  From the beginning I am telling U to follow healthy habits to enjoy with your Healthy child.  Please note the following tips to give birth to Healthy child with normal delivery. Tips for Normal Delivery 1.Make exercise a habit 2.Keep yourself stress free 3.Practise right breathing techniques 4.Stay away from birth horror stories 5.Eat Healthy food which contain all needed Nutrients 6.Know about Pregnancy and Labor 7.Happy and positive relations with your Life partner These tips will be helpful for your Normal Delivery...Brought to you

World Birth defect Day

World Birth defect Day Brought to U....     and My memories World Birth defect Day Posted in 2017 The March of Dimes and more than 50 other international organizations are joining together for  World Birth Defects Day , observed every year on March 3, to raise awareness of this serious  global  problem and advocate for more surveillance, prevention, care and research to help babies and children More than 8 million babies worldwide are born each year with a serious birth defect. Birth defects are a leading cause of death in the first year of life, and babies who survive may be physically or mentally disabled, taking a costly toll on their families, communities and nations. More than 8 million babies worldwide are born each year with a serious birth defect. Birth defects are a leading cause of death in the first year of life, and babies who survive may be physically or mentally disab...

Causes of Poorly functioning Fellopian Tubes -Know Details

Causes of Poorly functioning Fellopian Tubes - Know details Brought to U....     and My memories Causes of Poorly functioning Fellopian Tubes - know details Posted in 2014 Causes of Poorly Functioning Fallopian Tubes Tubal disease affects approximately 25% of infertile couples and varies widely, ranging from mild adhesions to complete tubal blockage. Treatment for tubal disease is most commonly surgery and, owing to the advances in microsurgery and lasers, success rates (defined as the number of women who become pregnant within one year of surgery) are as high as 30% overall,  with certain procedures having success rates up to 65%. The main cau ses of tubal damage include: (1) Infection Caused by both bacteria and viruses and usually transmitted sexually, these infections commonly cause inflammation resulting in scarring and damage. A specific example is Hydrosalpnix, a condition in which the...

Banned drugs ..Government of India

Banned drugs - Government of India Brought to U....     and My memories Banned drugs - Government of India Posted in 2016 I have seen many people who spoiled their health by using some medicines.   I feel it necessary to bring to your notice about Banned Drugs.     Pl note and avoid these drugs. You can see the list of banned drugs from the link